Cal 21



Raise Her Sails

Maiden Voyage

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After many garbage cans filled with rotted wood and debris, I finally started reconstructing the interior. I used whatever original pieces I could salvage as templates to cut out the new pieces needed. I also used the existing fiberglass channels that were left after the demolition to reconstruct, starting with the cabinets.
Cal 21 Interior Restoration Cal 21 interior restoration
cal 21 interior restoration

Making progress! The cabinets are starting to come together nicely. The cushions that came with the boat are actually in great condition and I managed to use most of the original wood moldings that were in the boat when I got it.
Cal 21 interior

At this point, I figured it was time to raise the mast, so I pulled it off the trailering brackets and laid it on the ground... and noticed this... what the???
cal 21 mast
I didn't expect this, and frankly I didn't even think about looking for it. An obvious de-masting took place right at the spreaders at some time. However, other than the sloppy track, the overall repair actually appears pretty solid.

The mast actually went up a lot easier than I thought. You can see the fresh dark blue trim paint under the rail. The boat is actually starting to look pretty good!
cal 21 mast raised cal 21 mast raised

I left the mast up for a few days and noticed that the starboard chainplate was becoming a little loose. After further inspection inside, I discovered the bulkhead that held the chainplate was rotted through as well. Only the fiberglass skin was holding the bolts. So, I obviously had to replace the wood in the starboard forward bulkhead.
cal 21 bulkhead cal 21 bulkhead
Again I left some of the original fiberglass channel to install the new wood...

Here it is with the new wood installed and fiberglassed in all the way around. And just for sh*ts and giggles, I reinforced the port side bulkhead as well. Now with the new bulkheads holding the chainplates tight, I have little to no concerns about the repaired mast giving me any problems...

cal 21 bulkhead cal 21 bulkhead

...and Tada! The completed interior! I decided to cover everything in dark gray speaker cabinet covering. I'm really happy with how the whole thing turned out and can't wait to get her in the water. There's some more to do inside, but for now it's good to sail.
cal 21 interior

I've named her "Sea-Riously...?" for many reasons... I also think she's one of a very few boats on Lake Huron with an actual emoticon on her hull... :o)
cal 21 pulpit

  Cal21 Cal 21 sailboat sailing sail boat lake huron port sanilac evinrude 4366 sandusky michigan project  
Home Restoration Raise Her Sails Maiden Voyage